Rezervim online.
Udheto i sigurt - Opsione te sigurimit te shumta per t'u mbrojtur maksimalisht, duke filluar nga 5 euro ne dite.
Pa formalitete te teperta - Pa pritje ne radhe dhe pa dokumentacione te lodhshme; makina ju vjen direkt te ju.
Depozite e ulet ose 0 - Shmangni bllokimin e shumave te medha ne karte, me depozita modeste te kthyeshme menjehere pas dorezimit.
Zgjedhje te larmishme - Automjete ekonomike, SUV, furgone per grupe te medha, dhe me shume.
Mbeshtetje ne rast urgjencash - Asistence rrugore dhe mbeshtetje per nje eksperience me te besueshme.

Makinat me te zgjedhura.
Shiko te gjithaCfare thone klientet tane ?.
I found it great, the car was ok, contact with the owner very relaxed. We had a drop off in Sarande, very easily arranged.
Really impressed how smoothly it went. I recommend user begih. I came from Poland and rented Alfa Romeo Mitto. Despite damaging it in a narrow street in Berat, there were no problems (you need to buy full insurance). I will definitely use this platform again next time.
Wszystko przebieglo zgodnie z uzgodnienia mi. Samochód sprawny. Obsluga dobra. Ceny wynajmu atrakcyjne
Tres bonne experience! Vehicule nickel et tres bon echange avec le proprietaire qui a ete tres flexible. Je recommande vivement!.